
Beyond High Courts: The Justice Complex in Latin America. Kellogg Institute Series on Democracy and Development, University of Notre Dame Press, 2019 (co-edited with Diana Kapiszewski).

Crafting Courts in New Democracies: The Politics of Subnational Judicial Reform in Brazil and Mexico. Cambridge University Press, 2016.

- Reviewed in Law and Politics Book Review, Latin American Research Review, and Latin American Politics & Society
- Spanish translation under contract in 2018 with CIDE, Universidad Autonoma de Aguascalientes, and Fonde de Cultura Economica


''Political Geography of Violence: Municipal Politics and Homicide in Brazil,'' World Development (accepted June 2019).

''Spatial Tools for Case Selection: Using LISA Statistics to Design Mixed-Methods Research,'' Political Science Research & Methods (published online May 2019).

''Incorporating Space in Multimethod Research: Combining Spatial Analysis with Case Study Research,'' PS: Political Science & Politics (October 2017) 50(4): 1032-1037.

"Geo-Nested Analysis: Mixed-Methods Research with Spatially Dependent Data," Political Analysis (July 2017) (25)3: 289-307.

"A Spatial Analysis of Homicide across Brazil's Municipalities," Homicide Studies (May 2017) (21)2: 87-110.

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